
Online REsources

Central Oregon

  • 24 Hour Addiction and Mental Health Crisis Line
    1-866-638-7103 (toll free)
    1-800-221-2832 (TTY)
  • BestCare Prevention. Substance abuse prevention coalition serving Jefferson County, Oregon.
    Find them on Facebook.
  • Central Oregon Health Council. COHC was officially created by Senate Bill 204 in 2011 to promote the health of the region’s residents and seeks to achieve the Triple Aim of improving health outcomes, increasing satisfaction with the health system, and reducing cost.
  • Crook County Community Coalition (C4). Substance abuse prevention coalition serving Crook County, Oregon.
    Find them on Facebook.
  • Pain Standards Task Force. A committee of the Central Oregon Health Council.
  • Shared Future Coalition. Substance abuse prevention coalition serving Deschutes County, Oregon.
    Find them on Facebook.
  • Warm Springs Prevention Team. Substance abuse prevention staff serving the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.
    Find them on Facebook.


For Community:
Authoritative information for consumers about prescription drug safety, disposal, abuse and how to buy medicine on the Internet.
An online resource about the safe use and the environmental impact of prescription medicine. It also can help locate medication disposal programs near you.
All the latest from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, covering drugs of abuse in addition to prescription medicines, tobacco and alcohol. Written for researchers, parents and educators, and patients and families.
An online toolkit for community leaders and educators aimed at preventing prescription drug abuse.
Information from the Office of National Drug Control Policy that details efforts to reduce drug abuse and its consequences. Provides support and guidance for parents, teachers, community leaders and ordinary citizens.

For Parents:
The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids’ site, aiming to help reduce teen substance abuse and support families affected by addiction.

    To stimulate and improve communication among consumers and health care professionals about the appropriate use of medicines.
    Tools and resources for families to help keep teens from abusing medicine.

For Teens:
Tools and knowledge teens can use to help them stand up to negative pressures and influences in their lives.
Accurate and timely information on drugs and health for teens, teachers and parents.